
The Downward Spiral, Owing to a Lack of Vision, Planning & Governance, that the Indian Economy Faces

The Exposed Faultlines of Established Democracies and the Takedown of New, Fragile Ones is Becoming a Global Phenomena

About Secularism, Ayodhya, Democracy & Passionate Columnists

The Chance They Never Had From Social Media Pundits

About Polarization, News Dissemination and Social Media Perspectives

A Nation Teetering on the Brink of Anarchy, Divisiveness, Pervasive Corruption and Sinking Standards

Have Indians, By and Large, Failed to Nourish and Grow Their Democratic Underpinnings and Traditions?

Why The AADHAAR Biometric Card Is A Perilous and A Dangerous Idea

Of political hypocrisy & racial undercurrents which bubble up